National Police Clearance: Online Appointment & Requirements

A police Clearance document is a certificate issued through the Philippine National Police Clearance System (NPCS). This is an online convenient system to facilitate Filipinos in the application and renewal process. A PNP clearance document is an individual’s character certificate; it also verifies the criminal history and status of clearance for oneself. This is required to be present while applying for Government IDs, employment, bank accounts large transactions, renting a house, and other business registrations. 

In this blog, we will explain How to get police clearance online. We have explained the step-by-step process to register for the account on the PNP official website and guide to apply for the clearance. In this article, we have also explained the different types of clearances, their scope, online fee payment process, renewal and verification of clearance, and other related information. By following our guidelines, you can easily apply online hassle-free at home.

What is National Police Clearance System?

NPCS is launched by the Philippine Police Department. This is a convenient online portal linked with the police central database. Using this system you can apply by logging on to the portal after registration. 

All the process is done online, but you have to personally visit the police station for picture and the biometric verification. However, you can get the online appointment to visit the Police station of your choice. 

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National Police Clearance Online Registration 2025

In order to apply, visit the NPCS central portal to file your online clearance application. Follow the below step-wise procedure:

police clearance

New Account Registration

New account registration is required, if you are applying for the first time and you never registered an account previously. Following is the registration procedure:

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  1. You need to enter valid email address as login I’d, password and other personal details as shown in the below image.
  2. If you receive account confirmation by email to verify, then verify on the link received on the email sent by NPCS portal registered email as shown below. After you verify, you can log in to the account.
register ss

Profile Completion

Log in with your newly registered account by entering login I’d (email I’d) and password. Then complete your profile by providing complete correct personal details and save the profile.

Application & online Police Appointment

After completing the profile, you will select “Application of Clearance”. Then you will select the suitable nearby police station and choose the police appointment date and time from available slots for a visit to the police station for picture & biometric verification.

Processing Fee Payment

Then go to payment options and make the online payment from available payment options. Note down the reference number during the payment. Also keep the transaction proof/receipt saved with you which may be required to be required to show to police.

Visit to Police Station

Visit the selected police station for biometric verification and picture on the appointment day. Also bring application payment proof, reference number and 2x government issued IDs.

National Police Clearance Online Application

Account Login

Log in with your newly registered verified account by entering login I’d (email I’d) and the password. In case you forgot your password, you can recover the account using the method we have explained in the related blog. After login, complete your profile by providing complete correct personal details and save the profile.

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Profile Edit

You can also edit your profile anytime if there’s any change in your record. To do so:

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  1. Click the edit profile icon, it will open a new window to enter personal details.
  2. Enter your complete details as shown in the picture.
  3. After record update, click the save button to save the updated profile.

Application & Appointment

  1. Select the “Clearance Application” button as shown.
Application 1
  1. Select the nearby police station or verification center suitable for you to visit for picture and biometric verification.
  2. Choose the date and time for your police clearance online appointment at selected police station or verification center.
Clearance Application Process Police Station Appointment

Online Payment

  1. Proceed to the payment by clicking the given option. It will show the payment details, appointment date, reference number, and payment options.
Payment Application 1 1
  1. Note down the application reference number which will be required for payment processing.
  2. Click on the highlighted “click here to pay For more payment options” option, and you will be redirected to the Land Bank of Philippines (LBP) payment portal. 
2 Appointmet Saved Payment
  1. Choose the suitable payment option to pay the processing fee of 150 ₱ from the available payment option.

Following are some of available payment options:

  • Land Bank Account
  • GCash
  • MayaPay
  • Eleven Cash payment through CLIQQ App
  • Bancnet online banking
Payment Portal Land Bank 3
  1. Save the payment receipt/transaction proof with you. This can be demanded at the police station at the appointment time along with your ID and the reference number. 
Payment Portal 4

Clearance Fee Charges

Base fee for application processing is processing fee of 150 ₱. However, there can be additional transaction charges of 10 ₱ to 30 ₱ depending on the selected payment option.


  Complete the application processing fee transaction at least two days before the date of your appointment to avoid any possible cancellation.

Clearance Requirements at Police Station

  1. On the date and time of your appointment, you need to visit the selected police station or the verification centre for biometric verification. 
  2.  Bring the following documents with you:
  • Payment Receipt/Transaction Proof of  application fee
  • Reference Number of  Application 
  • Preferably two Govt. issued IDs to prove your identification. These could be following:
  • National identity card
  • Passport  
  • Driving license
  • National Health Insurance ID
  • Voter’s ID
  • Any other Govt. issued ID
  1. Police Staff will have your finger prints scanning and picture taken which should take few minutes to complete.

Release of Clearance

After police station process, your job is done. You will get the certificate after its processing.

For applications with “no hit” (clean criminal record)

If the applicant has a “No Hit” or criminal record, he is expected to get the certificate on the same day after picture and biometrics verification at the police station on the appointment day.

For applications with a “hit” (possible criminal record)

If the applicant has a hit with a possible previous criminal record then he/she might have detailed verification which may require a longer time. In this case, the applicant might be required to provide additional supporting documents.

The validity of the clearance certificate is for Six months.
You need to apply for Renewal before the expiry of existing clearance.

Eligibility for police clearance

Who is eligible? There are no specific eligibility criteria to apply. The Philippines nationals and the foreign nationals residing at the Philippine can apply online, if they have valid legal documents or IDs. Generally students, foreign workers and the local residents apply online for different needs as categorically described below.

Filipino Citizens

General local public may need the PNP clearance certificate for any of the following requirements:


  • Certain government or private employers require the applicants to furnish this certificate before offering them the employment.

International Travel/Visa Applications

  • For many countries the clearance is an essential requirement of visa processing in order to travel to those countries.
  • All the Filipinos need this certificate when applying for visa to a foreign country for study, business permit and immigration.

Certain Business Transactions

  • Required by bank to process certain banking transactions requested by the account holder particularly for:
  • Large transactions
  • Account Opening
  • Certain International payments

Licensing Purposes

  • It is an essential requirement for some licensing applications. For example to apply for:
  •  Arms License
  •  License to operate some specific business of travel & tourism, money exchange, pharmacy, hotels and other specific business which requires to be registered with government authorities
  • To obtain other government certificates

Background Checks

  • For background checks verification by the land lord offering rental property like shops and houses.
  • Many large companies may demand this certificate when they select their vendors, employees, consultants and suppliers.

Foreign Nationals

  • To stay in the Philippines for study, job, work, business, or any other purposes
  • This is also required for their visa renewal to continue their stay in the Philippine


Many institutes demand it and the students may need for one or more of the following purposes:

  • To offer admission in a particulate program
  • Apply for the scholarship
  • Cultural or other exchange program
  • Hostel accommodation
  • On campus university job offers to students as lab assistant and teaching assistant

These are some of the most common uses of the police clearance. However, the scope is not limited to these purposes.
It may be required for other business, property, certifications, and legal matters as well.

Salient Features of National Police Clearance

PurposeTo verify criminal background checks to apply for jobs, travel, visas, business permits, and other legal matters
ApplyingIt can be applied online through the NPCS official portal. Another option is a Walk-in application at the police station
FeesApplication processing is a processing fee of ₱150 plus transaction service charges which may vary between ₱10-20 depending on payment option. First-time job seekers may get a fee exemption.
ScopeValid for all Philippines for Non-Criminal Background verification
Validity PeriodTypically six Months
Processing TimeCan be issued on same day of appointment or sometimes it may take few days depending on the number of applications in queue
Issuing AuthorityPhilippines National Police (PNP)

Online vs. Walk-in Application Mode

We have explained the online application process in detail. However, the same can be applied through walk-in mode by personally visiting the Police station, suitable for people having technical problems in using the online system. We will explain both modes along with their comparative analysis. So that, you can choose which mode of application is suitable for you.

Online Mode:

Suitable for applicants having access to internet and have know how to basic computer skills and idea of online payments and online application process.

Walk-in Mode:

This mode is ideal for people who have technical problems like less knowledge of application processing and online payment issues. They need technical assistance to apply.

Following table illustrates the basic comparison between both modes of application.

Application ModeOnlineWalk-In
ApplicationApply online on NPCS web portal. Visit is required for photo & biometric finger prints onlyPhysically attend the police station to apply for clearance
ProsQuick and convenient
No Physical Queuing
Real-time tracking of status
Technical assistance available
Immediate Processing
Option for Cash Payment
ConsPossibility of technical issues
Online payment required
Requirement of stable Internet
Possible Physical Queuing
Within office hours only
Travelling & time consuming

Clearance Categories in Philippines

The following are common types of clearances in practice in the Philippines:

National Police Clearance (NPC)

This is issued by Philippine National Police and its scope is all Philippines. This is often referred to as PNP clearance. This is commonly required for job applications, business registrations, specific banking transactions, and other legal matters. The validity is generally six months. The detailed application procedure and requirements are explained above.

Local Police Clearance (LPC)

This is issued by the local police station and its applicability is within a specific city or municipality. It verifies the criminal background check and status within the locality. This is comparatively easy to obtain. However, this clearance is not acceptable in other cities. It is used for area-specific local employment, business operations, property rentals, and other matters within the jurisdiction of the issuing police station. Detailed requirements of LPC, fee, and application process are explained in the related blog. For the application process, visit the related blog mentioned.

Barangay Clearance (BC)

This is applicable, if you live in a rural area or a small village. This is issued by the Barangay local authorities of your residential area. It certifies your good moral character and conduct within the local community and society. Its validity and scope of application are also limited to the barangay or the local rural area.

 We have prepared a detailed article for you if you are interested in learning more about the details of BC, application, requirements, and procedure to obtain it.

Police Clearance Certificate for Overseas employment (PCC-OE)

This document is often demanded by overseas Filipinos as a requirement of their VISA, stay business and employment in other countries. This is also issued by the Police. However, its scope is international. This is acceptable by a large number of countries. It verifies the good moral conduct of the applicant in Philippines. 

We have a dedicated blog for PCC-OE with complete details of scope, requirements, fee payment, and application process.

National Bureau of Investigation Clearance (NBI)

NBI is the national investigation agency of the Philippines. Along with official legal matters and high-level criminal investigations, NBI provides clearance certificate service through its central online web portal. The NBI clearance certificate verifies an individual’s moral conduct and background check in the NBI’s central record. To know more about the NBI certificate, its scope, requirements, fee payment, online appointment, and online application process you can check our dedicated blog covering all these aspects. Visit the detailed blog on NBI Clearance.

Comparison between LPC (Local Police Clearance) & NPC (National Police Clearance)

Both the LPC and NPC have different scopes. Following table describes the differences between both types of clearances:

ScopeWithin issuing police station jurisdictionNational level all Philippines
PurposeLocal domestic needsOfficial purposes
Validity6 Months6 Months
Mode of ApplicationManual ApplicationOnline Application
Issuing AuthorityLocal Police StationNational Police (PNP)

What is the Difference between Police Clearance and NBI Clearance?

Both types of clearances verify an individual’s background check and confirm that he/she has no criminal record. However, the scope of both PNP and NBI (National Bureau of Investigation) clearance are different. The following info-graphics will help you to have a clear understanding of the comparative analysis of both types of clearances.

Issuing AuthorityPNP – (Philippines National Police)NBI – (National Bureau of Investigation)
PurposeClearance status and criminal background history verificationVerification of criminal record & individual’s identity
UsageEmployment (Local)
Business Permits
Govt. Transactions
Employment (Abroad/Local)
Travel Abroad
Business Permits
Govt. & Legal Matters
(from issuance date)
6 months6 months to 1 year
Application Fee (₱)150 (regular), 300 (priority-same day processing)130 (Manual), 165 (online), 230 (express processing), 330 (same day processing)
Application PortalNPCS official web portalNBI official web portal

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, NPCS provides you the facility that you can apply online via official PNP clearance web portal.

  1. Go to NPCS web portal to register your account.
  2. Login on account and complete your profile
  3. Make the online fee payment
  4. Schedule appointment at the selected police station 
  5. Visit police station with required document on appointment date for finger prints and picture
  6. Get your certificate after processing

Base fee for the application is ₱150. However, there can be additional transaction service charges depending on the selected payment method. Service charges can range from ₱10 to ₱30.

Normally it takes 1-3 days after completion of process. However, total time can vary between 1-2 weeks depending on the mode of application, individuals’ criminal record and applications in queue.

You need to contact nearest Philippine consulate or embassy. Furnish the required Ids and relevant documents along with the application after having finger prints and photo captured at embassy. This process can take several weeks. Secondly, you can also directly email NBI for the NBI clearance which is even more time consuming.

NPC is valid nationwide and suitable for national level job applications, business permits, govt. transactions and other legal purposes. However, LPC serves the same purposes but it is valid within the jurisdiction of the police station issuing it within local municipality.


Police clearance certificate is very useful document for most of the Filipinos which is required for employment, travel, business permits, certain banking transactions and other legal matters.

This certificate is issued by the Philippine National Police for which they have introduced a very convenient online system called NPCS. In this system, the PNP has launched an official web portal that is linked with a central database of police to verify the criminal history and background checks for individuals.

You can apply on the NPCS web portal. However, there are technical issues related to the application process, account registration, online payment processing, and scheduling appointments. All these issues have been addressed in this article and we have explained the whole procedure step by step for your guidance. Using these guidelines you can have a better understanding of the NPCS system and application procedures.