Police Clearance Certificate: Requirements & Online Application

Police Clearance certificate is a document that verifies individual’s background check and criminal history. Having this document is acknowledgment of good moral conduct of the individual. It is crucial document for Filipinos which is required for employment, travel, legal matters and certain banking transactions. 

PNP (Philippine National Police) and NBI (National Bureau of Investigation) are the two different authorities that issue the clearance certificates at the national level. Both the certificates serve as character certificates of the individual.

Other than the above-mentioned certificates, there are also some other types of clearance certificates like “BC”, “LPC” and “PCC-OE”. 

In this blog, we will cover the introduction, scope, and application process to get all types of clearance certificates, so that you can identify which clearance certificate is required by you for a particular case and how to apply for clearance.

Clearance Certification

Clearance certification is intended for Filipinos working abroad. Overseas working in other countries will require certification of clearance. NPCS provides the overseas with a facility to apply online through the PNP official website by login to the account after registration the account.

Account Registration

The account registration on the PNP official portal is already explained in the previous blog. You can learn about the account registration.

Login & Profile Completion

Login on the PNP official portal with a registered account and complete the profile. The method of profile completion and editing is already explained in the related blog. Click to learn about the profile completion & login.

Note: In case of forget of your password, you can recover your account by following the password recovery method

Clearance Certification Applying

After the profile is completed, the screen will be shown as in the below image. Select the “Clearance Certification” button.

Police clearance certificate

Category Selection

A new screen will open with multiple options. You should select the relevant category. In the case of overseas Filipinos working abroad, select the first option as highlighted in the below image. Click on apply.

2 Certificate Candidate Selection

Application Purpose

Mention the purpose and the current address. Click next to move to the next step of the process.

3 clearance Certification

Upload Documents

You need to upload the following:

  1. A selfie holding a Govt. issued ID in the hand
  2. Passport’s bio page with name and expiry date
  3. Pages of the passport with Entry/Exit stamps of bureau of immigration
  4.  Proof of being abroad. The following documents can be uploaded as proof
    • VISA
    • Company ID
    • Resident ID
  5. ID indicating Philippines address

Note: PDF is the only acceptable format to upload documents. All documents should be in the “pdf” format.

Click “next” to move to the next step.

4Certification documents upload

Payment Preparation

In the payment section, Click Land Bank of Phils, it will prepare invoice of 150 PHP as shown in the below example image, then click next.

5 certification payment

Save Appointment

In this step following type of image will appear for you. Read the instructions and click the “save appointment” button.

6 certification Appointmnet

Pay Online

  1. Choose the desired mode of payment and make the payment online.
    • Go to the TRANSACTION HISTORY PAGE and verify the transaction status. Pay online by clicking the “Click here to Pay” button and choose the desired mode of payment.
  2. Go to the TRANSACTION HISTORY PAGE and verify the transaction status.

Download Certificate

  1. Verification officer will process your application. Wait for the verification completion.
  2. After your application processing and completion of verification, you can download your certificate by clicking the download certificate button.

Validity:     The validity period is Six Months.
Fees:         The regular Clearance Fee is ₱150 and ₱10-30 can be service charges.

The following are common types of clearance certificates that an applicant can apply for as per requirement:

  • National Police Clearance Certificate (NPC)
  • Local Police Clearance Certificate (LPC) 
  • Barangay Clearance Certificate (BC)
  • Police Clearance Certificate for overseas employment (PCC-OE): 
  • National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) clearance

We will cover each clearance one by one and learn how to apply for the certificate.

It is national-level clearance required for immigration, national employment, and other purposes.

Requirements for NPC

  • 2x Legitimate IDs issued by Govt. (National ID, Voter ID, Driving License, National Health ID, and Any other Govt. issued ID)
  • Completed Online Application 
  • Application Payment receipt & Reference number
  • Biometric finger prints & photo captured at Police station

How to Apply for NPC Online?

To see a detailed tutorial on the application process, you can visit our dedicated article on online application.

Following are the basic steps in the online application procedure:

  • Complete online registration on the official PNP website
  • Login on the portal after account registration
  • Complete the profile with personal details
  • Choose “National Police Clearance” in the application options
  • Schedule appointment at selected police station for verification
  • Pay the fee online from available payment options
  • Visit the police station on the appointment date with documents
  • Finger Prints scanning and picture taken
  • Collect police clearance certificate after processing completion
  • “No Hit” i.e. clean criminal record, you are expected to get the certificate on the same day of appointment
  • If there’s “Hit” with possible previous criminal record then you might have detailed verification and need to provide additional supporting documents.

Validity:  Validity period is Six Months.
Fees: Clearance Fee is 150 and 10-30 can be service charges. 

(LPC) Local Police Clearance certificate

This clearance document is valid for specific city or municipality. It is required for local employment, property rental purposes and local businesses requirements. LPC is applied at local police station associated with the area of your residency. This certificate covers criminal record and background check within specific locality.

Purpose of LPC

  • Local Business Permit
  • Bank Account
  • Local Employment
  • Other Requirements

Requirements for LPC

  • Residency Proof
  • Biometrics Finger Prints Capture
  • Fee Payment
  • Govt. Issued ID (Preferably more than one)
  • Application Form

Procedure to Apply for LPC

  1. Visit the Local Police Station
  2. Submit required documents
  3. Have finger prints verification
  4. Provide application payment receipt
  5. Collect certificate
LPC Validity6 Months from issuance date (varies)
Issuing AuthorityLocal Police Station
Processing Time1-3 working days

(BC) Barangay Clearance

 This document is issued by the Barangay/village local authorities where the applicant resides. It certifies that you have good moral character and conduct within the local community and the society.

Purpose of BC

  • Employment
  • Identification verification
  • Residency Verification
  • Local Business Permits
  • Other domestic purposes

Requirements for Barangay Certificate

  • Residency Proof (e.g. utility bill, agreement of lease, etc.)
  • Fee Payment
  • Govt. Issued ID 
  • Filled Application Form

Procedure to Apply for BC

  • Visit the Barangay Hall
  • Submit required documents
  • Pay clearance fee
  • Collect certificate

(PCC-OE) Police Clearance Certificate for overseas employment

PCC-OE is issued to overseas Filipinos who seek for employment in foreign countries. This certificate is used by the foreign employers for verification of your criminal record and the status of clearance.  A number of foreign countries demand for this certificate including:

  • Japan
  • Taiwan
  • Singapore
  • UAE
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Hong Kong

Required Documents for PCC-OE

  • Overseas Employment Proof (Job Contract, offer letter, POEA certificate, etc.) 
  • Passport
  • 2x Legitimate IDs issued by Govt. (National ID, Voter ID, Driving License, National Health ID, and Any other Govt. issued ID)
  • Completed Application Form
  • Barangay Residential Certificate (if applicable)

How to Apply for PCC-OE Online?

  • Complete online registration on official PNP website
  • Login on the portal after account registration
  • Complete the profile with personal details
  • Choose “clearance certification” option in the application options
  • Then select the desired category
  • Update the details and upload required documents
  • Pay the fee online from available payment options
  • After processing of the application your certificate will be ready
Validity:Validity period is Six Months.
Fees: Regular Clearance Fee is 150 and 10-30 can be service charges.

National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) clearance

NBI is the issuing authority for clearance document. This is also valid for six months. It verifies individual’s moral conduct and background check in the NBI’s central record. It can also be applied online through NBI official website.


  • Job Applications
  • International Travel
  • Govt. Clearance 
  • Other legal purposes


  • Online Application
  • Fee Payment
  • NBI Branch visit
  • Birth certificate (NSO/PSA)
  • Govt. Issued IDs
  • Application Reference number

Procedure to Apply Online

  • Online registration on official NBI web portal
  • Login & Profile Completion
  • Online clearance Application for NBI
  • Pay clearance fee
  • Schedule appointment at NBI branch
  • NBI office visit on the appointment date with documents
  • Finger Prints scanning and picture taken
  • Collect clearance certificate after processing completion
NBI Clearance certificate Validity6 Months to 1 year from issuance date 
Issuing AuthorityNational Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
Processing Time1-3 working days
Fees130 to ₱ 155 (based on purpose)

Comparison between Clearance certificates

All types of clearance certificates verify individual’s background check and confirming that he/she has no criminal record within the scope of certificate issuing authority. However, the scope, purpose and application process of all the clearances may vary.

 Following info graphics will help you to have clear understanding of comparative analysis of all types of clearances:

Issuing AuthorityPNP – Philippine National PoliceLocal Police StationLocal Barangay /Village CouncilNational Police (PNP).NBI – National Bureau of Investigation
ScopeAll PhilippinesWithin Jurisdiction of Local Police StationWithin Barangay/Village Municipality International- Foreign CountriesAll Philippines
UsageEmployment, Business Permits, Admissions,Certain Transactions, Other legal mattersLocal jobs, business, rental and other legal issuesJobs, business and other legal matters within the barangayForeign Employment, International Travel & business, Visa application and others

Certain Job applications & business permits, seaman, legal or strategic matters requiring Govt. clearance.
Validity6 months6 months6 – 12 to months 6 months6 months to 1 year
Fee (₱)150 (regular), 300 (priority-same day processing)Varies50-200 (Barangay dependent)300 130-155 (varies),130 (Manual), 165 (online), 230 (express processing), 330 (same day processing)
ApplyNPCS official web portal / Walk-In Police stationVisit Local Police Station of your city/municipalityVisit Local Barangay Hall for rural areas residentsPhilippine Embassy/Conciliate or NPCS Web portal / PNP stations if staying in PhilippinesNBI official web portal/ Walk-In NBI offices


Yes, NPCS provides you the facility that you can apply online through the official PNP web portal for police clearance certificate.

No, you can not apply online for a local police clearance certificate. You have to personally visit the local police station with the required documents.

Scope of BC is local to the issuing Barangay/village.

NPC is valid nationwide and suitable for national level job applications, business permits, govt. transactions and other legal purposes. However, LPC serves the same purposes but it is valid within the jurisdiction of the issuing police station within local municipality.

It is valid for 6 months from the date of issuance.

  • 2x Legitimate IDs issued by Govt.
  • Fill out the application
  • 2×2 Photographs
  • Fee payment
  • Biometric finger prints & photo captured at Police station
  • Barangay clearance document (if applicable)


National Police clearance certificate is very useful document for most of the Filipinos which is required for employment, travel, business permits, certain banking transactions and other legal matters.

Police clearance certificate is issued by the Philippine National Police for which they have introduced a very convenient online system called NPCS. In this system PNP has launched an official web portal which is linked with central database of police to check the criminal history and background checks for individuals. Clearance verification can be done through the same portal.

You can process online applications on the NPCS portal. However, there are technical issues related to the application process, account registration, payment processing, and scheduling appointments. All these issues have been addressed in this article and we have explained the whole procedure step by step. Our guidelines will help you throughout the application process.